Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Perth mother assaults 14 year-old girl, gets probation

So, here we have yet another case of a woman being given a pass by a judge for joining in on a fight with a 14 year-old girl, giving the girl two black eyes and getting no jail time.

Who is supposed to be the adult there?  What parent seriously jumps into a fight their child is in and starts punching?

We all know that if a man did the same thing he'd be put in jail, but I guess that's just 'justice'.  Sometimes I think the statue of Lady Justice (you know, the blindfolded woman holding a set of scales in one hand and a sword in the other, signifying that justice is blind, works on evidence and punishes accordingly) should have a third arm for establishing gender, because we all know the sword always falls lighter on women than it does on men.

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