Thursday, June 25, 2015

French woman kills eight babies, media rushes to her defence...

So, here's a case of a French woman who killed eight babies and the media is outlining (and justifying) why she did it.

She claimed it was because she thought the babies were the result of incest (with her father) but DNA test results have since proven that all eight babies belonged to her husband.

Amazing the level of defense and justification the media will give to a female killer.  Would they be so defensive of a man who'd killed eight babies?  No likely!

UPDATE:  The above link failed, since the page has been taken down.  Here's a link to a different article about the same thing.

Also, it turns out that Dominique Cottrez was only sentenced to nine years jail, which works out to be  a little over a year per child killed.

This is in contrast with Celine Lesage, who was sentenced to 15 years jail for killing six of her newborn babies (over two years per child killed) and Veronique Courjault was jailed for eight years jail for killing her three children (a little under two years per child killed).

Contrast this relatively light French justice against the case of Christophe Champenois who was sentenced to 30 years jail for killing his own child (30 years for one child).

The two lessons to take away from this are that the more children you kill, the less time you'll be sentenced to, unless you're male.  Kill anyone if you're a male and you'll go away for virtually life.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Woman falsifies racial identity, blames parents for 'outing' her

So, a woman who has made a whole career out of claiming to belong to a minority group has been outed as actually being white.

Of course the article frames it as though the only reason it's an issue is because her mean parents have outed her in revenge of her supporting her brother's accuser over her brother.

Funny how the comments section is overwhelmingly against her.  Given that the bulk of the population would be mad at her, it's easy to see why:
  • African-American (or Black as she calls them) people are mad that she is taking a (presumably well paid) position that should be reserved for a person of the same.
  • White people are mad that she's claiming victim-hood, whilst still not really belonging to the group she's claiming to belong to.
It'll be interesting to see whether this woman will now get an actual real job or if she'll pick up where she left off, this time arguing for the rights of trans-racial people.

I guess the (over?) reaction of people is partly the same as would be if you got a girl home from a bar only to find that she was born a man and hadn't had surgery.  Would you be sexist, misogynistic or homophobic by kicking the 'girl' out of your house or would you be following through with every person's right to turn away someone at any point who had not truthfully represented them self?

Interestingly enough, the definition of rape has been expanded to include misleading women (think Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother) but there are people who don't think that transgendered people should be held to the same standards.

I don't know, I think if it's good for the gander, it's good for the goose that used to be a gander.

Gillard advises Hillary to screech sexism

So, apparently Gillard has given advice to Hillary Clinton on calling out sexism when she sees it.

A pity Gillard never bothered calling out the sexism of her men in blue ties speech.

Apparently saying that all men are interchangeable isn't sexist, it's feminist!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Update: Don't Waste Donate website is still active

Update about the Don't Waste Donate website.

So it's now been FOUR months since I posted my harmless questions about the risks and obligations of sperm donors that have gone unanswered and I was beginning to think that the website had in fact become inactive.

Well, there have been some additional questions raised this month that HAVE made it onto their FAQ page, which suggests either that they're looking into it or they don't want to or can't answer my questions.

My money is on the latter.  Either way, the site is NOT inactive.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Don't keep women waiting too long

Here's an interesting case of a woman being charged with making a false rape accusation because the men took too long to find their car.

Notice how:
  1. The 'journalist' reporting the story diminishes her responsibility because she was both drunk and high on cocaine at the time she filed the false accusation.
  2. The judge sounds like posturing with the whole "did not make any promises" about not sentencing her to jail - we all know she won't serve any time.
  3. The charges laid at her are only about wasting police time (over 100 hours).  There's no charges in there for making false accusations resulting in two COMPLETELY INNOCENT MEN who were actually trying to do her a favour by giving her a lift home, being locked up in custody for 18 hours whilst being questioned, which I guess is just standard in the West these days.
One thing that cases like this will do is to make men far less likely to want to offer woman of any state (sober or inebriated) any help or assistance.  I guess then the cry will turn to "where have all the good men gone", without care for why they left in the first place.