Here's an interesting one about a woman who decided in 2008 to have an open relationship with her husband only weeks after he had a vasectomy.
What follows is an interesting tale about a woman who bedded twelve other people (including two women) but felt hurt when she found out her husband had only been seeing the one woman on the side what was younger than her. Her husband broke it off, clearly in an attempt to appease his wife, but it didn't work.
Obviously the marriage broke down, but she tells it in an Eat, Pray, Love kind of way that one of her trysts contacted her and she divorced her husband for him. So much for "not getting involved" and interesting that she justifies running away with one of her lays but feels hurt when her husband stayed with one woman for too long.
Let that be a lesson, if your wife wants and open relationship what she really wants is to test the waters and 'marry up' if she can. There are obviously exceptions, but very few marriages that go 'open' last very long.
I find it very telling in this day and age that this kind of behaviour isn't only accepted, it's celebrated. Much in the way Eat, Pray, Love was basically about a bored middle class woman leaving an otherwise decent guy to follow her feelings, this book sounds like an open invitation for middle age women to go sleeping around.
At least with this woman's story there were no children involved. Thankfully!
UPDATE: Seems that the ex-husband in the story has said a couple of brief things. Mainly that he didn't want it. Surprise, surprise.
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