Here's an interesting one about a 17 year old boy who was knocked off his bike and left bleeding after being told by the woman driving that she didn't want her kids to be late for school and also didn't want to freak them out at the sight of the boy's blood.
Noticeable in writing of the story is how it takes the article until the third paragraph to identify the driver as a woman. Also noticeable is how the 17 year old boy isn't mentioned as a boy he's "a teenage cyclist".
Had the genders been reversed the headline would have been "Man knocks teenage girl off bike, flees scene".
More and more I'm noticing males who are victims being reduced to utilities (eg a worker, cyclist, etc) and women are always left as women and how they hide women as utilities when they do something wrong (eg a Bank Worker steals).
Let's ask for equality in reporting as well as in sentencing. Remember that if the general public is outraged over a crime, then the punishment usually reflects that compared with similar crimes.
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