Well, this is where sperm donation is going to take a sharp turn if this man successfully gets the man who raised him removed from his birth certificate.
So, thought that by having a child from another man's sperm through donation was going to secure your legacy? Think again! Damian Adams wants to remove any link of the man who raised him from his genealogy which means that, assuming the man who raised him has no naturally conceived children, will mean the man will be a biological 'dead end'.
So in 100 years when you watch shows like Who Do You Think You Are there'll be episodes where the father who raised an ancestor of the subject will be treated like a step-father, an after-thought, since apparently men who raise children from birth to adult-hood should not expect to be recognised in official documents.
So, if this guy had his way, would the birth certificate of children conceived through sperm donation have to contain the donor's name from birth or just updated when the child turns 18?
This is one of the reasons why I hold the belief that, as much as you might love your step-children, the reality is that you are and will always be a third wheel and can be dropped at any time. Anyone thinking about their own legacy can only consider having their own children. Anything else is just gambling with your life and legacy in a bet that is heavily stacked against you.
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