Sunday, December 20, 2015

Teen girl in US bashed by other girls

So, here we have a story about a teenage girl who was lured over to a 'friend's' house where she was set upon by several other teenage girls.

It's always interesting to note how the Media proceeds when their agendas clash (women are only victims, men are only perpetrators).

In typical fashion, we're aware that the victim is female, but what we DON'T realize until the forth paragraph is that all the of attackers are female too!

I certainly feel sorry for the girl as inviting someone over to your house to be your guest meant a duty of care for said person.  Even in the Shakespeare play Hamlet this was mentioned when he wants to kill his guests but he can't because his sense of honor contradicts this.

What's interesting is that their school apparently refused to discipline the attackers, I guess this would be because the assault did not take place at or near the school.  Either that or the educational needs of five victim class people (women) outweigh the safety of one victim class person (woman).

Teen girl stands up to racist (woman) on bus

Here's an article about a woman who hurls abuse at someone on a train for not speaking English and the teenage girl who confronts her about it.

Here's some interesting points about the article:

  • The article specifically mentions that it's a girl doing the good thing, both in headline and in sub-heading, yet doesn't mention the gender of the abuser until the body of the article.
  • The article mentions that the girl is "a massive advocate for feminism", which has nothing to do with the so-called 'racism'.
  • The attack wasn't technically racism, since the woman being verbally abused was speaking Spanish and, for all intents and purposes, Spanish people are white.
I'm all for people speaking whatever language they want to speak, if I don't like it, then I'll just absent myself.  The only time I've ever felt uncomfortable around people speaking their own language was in a Lebanese run pizza restaurant, but that was mainly because the guy behind the counter along with the three girls there (all the girls were wearing hijabs) were staring at me, saying things in their own language and giggling.

I never felt threatened, I just couldn't bring myself to go back there to a place where they were clearly having a joke at my expense in their mother tongue.

Other than that, I find it very telling that, as is standard for the Mainstream Media, they link to other instances of racism in Australia, yet the majority of the other examples linked were primarily women doing the abusing.  Those articles also did the same thing where the headlines mention the gender of the victim if she's a woman, but not the abuser if she's a woman.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Polygamist angry gay marriage is legal but polygamy isn't

So, here we have the case of a polygamist being angry that his polygamist 'marriage' isn't recognised when gay marriage is.

I guess all those anti-gay marriage people were right when they said that gay marriage was the first stepping stop to polygamy as it hasn't even been a year since gay marriage become legal and the news is already pushing the polygamy agenda.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Teenage girls rob taxi, one gets injured, report leads with 'poor girl'

So here's a story about a bunch of teenage girls who allegedly robbed a taxi driver at knife point (it's still armed robbery!) and one of them gets injured.

Oddly enough, the media leads with the whole 'poor girl gets injured' bit and then adding in what she was doing just before she was injured.

Any article written about a man getting injured like that would be written as "karma strikes", but we can be that flippant about a girl being injured, even if she was involved in armed robbery.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Female security guard takes down woman, report silent on gender of guard

So, here's the story of a female security guard getting physical with a drunk female and the report practically praises the female guard for her heavy handed tactics.

Apart from the pictures and video, there's nothing in the article that spells out the gender of the security guard getting physical, but we know that the headline would be different if it were a male security guard beating down a female.

Monday, November 16, 2015

New Muslim political party

So, there's now going to be a Muslim political party in Australia to represent the 500,000 Muslim Australians (although this would only be true if Australia had 29 million people).

It's interesting to note this because in Islam they don't believe in democracy, only in the rule of Islam, so technically by voting for one of their own, they're not following Islam.

I'd like to know who is criticizing Islam for 'not being loud enough', as this guy supposedly claims.  If anything, Muslims are overly loud based on the numbers of people in their religion (they're only 1.7% of the population).  We don't have a Buddhist party, we don't see Buddhists telling Australians that they deserve to be in Australia less than Buddhists and we certainly don't hear about Buddhists telling us they're going to take over our country and install their own brand of religious laws (Sharia).

Of course, maybe that's just because Buddhists are more subtle about how they take over, but I doubt it.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Conversation goes full Left-wing on Islamic attacks

So, the 'news' website The Conversation has decided to go full retard follow the Islamic attacks in Paris, first by publishing an article stating that resisting xenophobia might stop terrorism because stopping migrants won't.

Then, to boot, they followed up with an article about how some countries are favouring Christian migrants (you know, the ones being beheaded) over Islamic ones (the ones belonging to the 
'religion of peace' doing the beheading).

I've got to say, I've seen some far-left wing articles on that website, but I honestly believe they just went full Left-wing (you NEVER go full left-wing) and doubled down on what is completely the wrong time.  It'd be like the American Rifle Association choosing to hold a pro-gun rally after over 300 people have been shot and over 100 people have died.

I honestly think that the Conversation has truly lost the plot and both of those authors need to be relieved of their positions, both at the website AND at the Universities at which they preach work.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Media rushes to the defense of a woman who chained her autistic son to the bed

So, as we've come to expect, the media is nothing but defensive in this case where a woman chained her autistic son to the bed.

Notice how, in the media's defense of her actions: "I do everything for him.  I have no help.  No one from the government or anywhere comes to help me", yet in the same article it's mentioned that the boy was found by his carer.

How can a boy have a carer if she gets no help?

I know five children is a lot, but the media seriously needs to stop defending the indefensible.

Woman fights off man of African appearance

So, here's the story of a brave woman who successfully fought off a male attacker in her home.

What's interesting here is the conflicting story agenda:

  1. to tell the world a strong woman who
  2. fought off an evil male
  3. but tucks away the alleged race of the the evil male

Good on the woman, but notice how it takes until the 6th paragraph to identify that the male in question is "of African appearance".

The conflicting agendas are almost palpable!

Woman sentenced to jail for eight years, a change in the air?

Here's an interesting story about a UK woman jailed for 8 years for pretending to be a man.

It's interesting that the courts have come down so hard on this woman, which could be a sign of changes to come, or a one in a million.

I guess the whole full disclosure for full consent is going to affect women too!

Woman divorces husband, gets house and car yet still not enough

So, here's the unfortunate story of a woman who got divorced from her husband (no mention of who initiated the divorce, but statistically speaking it's most likely her) who, despite getting the house and the car, still thought she got a raw deal.

Why is she surprised that if she got the house and the car that she'd also get the bills for said house and car?  Did she honestly think her ex-husband was going to keep paying the bills, even if he's not living there?

There was no mention of child support, which we know is mandatory in the US, so whilst she's living 'hard' in what could be an expensive house (the more your house is worth, the bigger the bills are!) and presumably getting child support, it's still not enough.

Oh, and women have a hard time after divorce.  Must be that gender pay gap again.

Hopefully this story sends a message to women considering divorcing their husband for no reason.  Probably won't though.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Female MPs in NZ ejected for speaking out of turn, feign outrage

So, a couple of female MPs who are feigning outrage over being labelled rape supporters (they're trying to keep asylum seekers in the country, some who have been allegedly found guilty of rape) but decide to go on the "I'm offended" track.

So, shouldn't they be MORE inclined to want to keep rapists out of their country?  Interesting that protecting foreigners is more important than protecting your own people from potentially, and in this case ACTUALLY, dangerous people.

Girl praised for not answering a maths problem correctly

So, as opposed to the boys who legitimately attempted to answer maths questions and were given no marks because it wasn't in the format the teacher wanted, here is the story of a girl who was praised for her hilarious response to a maths question.

What a wonderful world in which we live where a boy loses marks for failing to show an array of numbers in the right way, yet a girl is praised for citing the "girl code".

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Outcry over lesbians being asked to make room for married couple

So, there's outcry over a lesbian couple being asked to move seats to make space for a married couple.

Interestingly there aren't any people coming forward saying "married couples should get preference in seating over unmarried couples, which is what happens whenever single males are asked to move away from children on flights.

I think the fact that one of the lesbians is a lawyer is the reason why the outcry.

I've been moved several times on flights, sometimes to make room for families, other times to move me away from children.  I've never complained as I've always feared being blacklisted by airlines for future travels.

The airline that I'll never fly with again is Emirates, despite their flights sometimes being cheaper.  Whilst I don't mind being moved much, I REALLY don't like being treated like garbage and a pedophile even though I'm a paying customer.

Ironically, Qantas partnered with Emirates, so I probably won't be flying Qantas on overseas flights for concerns I may find myself once again in the 'hospitality' of an airline that treated me extremely poorly.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A woman ran over a 14 year old girl, gender removed

So, a woman is alleged to have run over a 14 year old girl with her car.  Only thing is that the article has completely removed any mention of the gender of the person who was driving the car at the time.

You can be sure that if it were a man driving the headline would be "man runs over 14 year old girl with car".

This goes beyond any 4th paragraph M.O., this is outright suppression of blame!

Push for more male primary school teachers

So, Western Australia is pushing for more male teachers in primary school.

Ok, so they're not offering them more money, they're not promising them additional protection against false allegations, they're just "pushing".

Great.  Let's see how that one goes.

I'm sure the "27.4 per cent" of males studying education (up from "20 per cent" in 2012) is across education, not just in primary schooling.  Also, there's a BIG difference between studying and actually finishing.  How many men will complete their degree to become a primary school teacher once they sit the obligatory "you're at risk of false accusations, also you're going to be a suspected pedophile for most of your career" class.

Oh wait, they don't warn them about that, they just let them find out for themselves.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Female ecstasy trafficker is glorified in the media

So, here's a story about a woman who has since pleaded guilty to trafficking ecstasy, who managed to escape police custody.

The interesting thing is that we never got what we get if it were a male on the run: a running news bulletin about an escaped criminal who is on the loose.  Even now the media is holder her up as a "what an amazing person who managed to escape police", even though they were preoccupied with trying to save the woman's dogs from getting hit by traffic!

No, the headline is all about "bikini model evades police", not "ecstasy trafficker escapes police custody".

Imagine the headline if they'd just left her dogs to get hit by cars.

An all-female reboot of Ocean's Eleven

So, apparently there's now rumours of an all-female reboot of Ocean's Eleven.  One must ask why.

The reboot from the original was brought about to use the story in a modern setting and to work with the technology of today.  This reboot sounds like a "let's do it because we can" as the technology hasn't changed much to make a reboot worthwhile.

I'm guessing it's going to do as badly as the all-female reboot of Ghostbusters will do, not that I'm planning on actually seeing it to determine if it's any good.

Apparently men say they want women who are smarter than themselves...

Here's a study that should come as no surprise, concluding that men aren't attracted to women who are smarter than they are and women are attracted to men who are more powerful.

It's interesting to note that the men in the study are supposed to have said they wanted a woman who was more intelligent than themselves, which I find pretty far-fetched.  Most men I know want to be with a smart woman, but that doesn't automatically mean that she's got to be smarter than he does!

There's no surprise about women saying they don't care about status when they really do.  I can't remember how many women I was rejected by who "just wanted a nice guy" who'd then give me the usual excuses for why they didn't want to date.  I guess they meant "I just want a nice guy with a great job, awesome body and his own house", but that doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Erin Brockovich is back defending women

So, Erin Brockovich is back, this time fighting for women who have been hurt and/or mislead by a birth control device sold them.

What she gets wrong is that men ONLY have two options of birth control (excluding abstinence, that's not birth control, that's just not having sex!) including condoms and vasectomy and reports about the side effects and possible complications of the latter is kept out of the media.  The world hasn't stopped, except for those poor men suffering from vasectomies gone wrong.  I wonder if there are 20,000 of them around the world, which maybe Brockovich will accept that, no, the world doesn't stop when men are in pain, we just don't get told about it.

The most promising birth control method for men in the last 50 years is Vasalgel, yet it's being strangely held back, yet this women's one is somehow able to get released despite these problems.  Interesting...

Woman violated on plane, media unsure how to proceed

So, here we have a case of a woman who took some sleeping drugs on a long-haul flight and woke to suspect that the man (of middle eastern appearance) sitting next to her had rubbed her all over (including supposedly 'downstairs').

The media was obviously caught between a rock and a hard place because, on the one hand they just NEED to point out what an evil man has done.  What they waited to report was that the accused man, Nadeem Mehmood Quraishi, was of middle eastern appearance.

If it had been a white male, then we would have known that from the title alone.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Daughter dies in accident, father 'killed' her, article declares

I came across this article about a poor family who lost their daughter, but the media, as usual, is only too happy to spin it that the father killed his daughter on purpose.

The language is very telling: "a father who killed his nine-year old daughter".

What's interesting to note is that the article only mentions the mother is passing, that she "slammed" the sentence.  Did she think the sentence was too harsh, too light?  Which was it?

I would guess that, since they both shared the same surname, that the couple are still married and that she doesn't believe her husband, who obviously engaged in risky behaviour, should go to jail for as long as he has been sentenced.

Remember, there are two reasons to send a person to jail: to punish and to rehabilitate.  On one hand, the father in this case possibly should be punished, but using the same line of logic that people argue about women who've lost their children due to their own mistakes, "isn't losing his daughter punishment enough"?

As for rehabilitation, firstly I doubt he'll want to even look at another buggy, let alone do anything similar, so I doubt that the probably of re-offending is very high.

So the taxpayers have to pay for this guy to sit in a cell to think about what he's done and his family has to find a way to cope without him for longer than a lot of violent and sexual offenders get sentenced to for purposely committing crimes.

Oh well, I guess that's just par for the course.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Man glassed in slut-shaming social experiment, let's focus on poor women

So, a guy who was glassed during a slut-shaming social experiment doesn't even rate a headline, yet another example of a woman pretending to be drunk to gauge men's reactions does.  I wonder if this one is fake like the Australian one was, where the men were told how to act before being shamed for doing what they were asked to do!

This is how schools give bad marks for right maths answers

I've always maintained that modern schooling has been trying to do to maths and sciences as they've done with English and other nebulous subjects where the 'right' answer is completely up to the teacher.  This one teacher has done just that in this case on the internet.

I always hated the whole "give marks for showing working out" because it penalises the people who have learnt their numbers well enough to know the answer as soon as looking at the question.  I was always losing out top score in maths to girls in my class because I didn't show the steps correctly.  One time, when I had had enough, I showed every possible step, only to lose marks for taking too many steps to 'find' the answer!

The teacher in question knew damn well that I could solve most problems at that age in a line or two (or straight away, but that was just asking to be marked down).

My marks shot up the year I had a male maths teacher whose rule was: "if you've got the right answer at the bottom of page, full marks.  No questions."  If you haven't, then he counts points for showing workings out.

I'm sure every male reading this has found himself in this same position where a simple maths question these days has a never fully achievable 100% because some teacher (female or male) decides the student answering the question needs to be brought down a peg.

In my Year 11 class I was doing so well in one of my maths classes (would get 100% on the weekly tests most weeks) that the male (!) teacher offered my friend and I to skip the class so we could focus on other studies.  Not bad for a guy who would average about 80% in primary school and early high school.

Note: my learning style and relative knowledge didn't change, only the attitude of the teacher.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Two female cops and the 4th paragraph

So, here's a story of some taser happy female police officers who were only too happy to pull a taser on a young couple they'd pulled over for nothing more than the guy had tattoos.

Interestingly, the cops, who made the guy delete the footage, were both female and it took until the 9TH PARAGRAPH to identify the policeWOMEN by gender if you exclude the footage provided.

Amazing how the threats by the policewomen that if the young couple doesn't stop filming they'll confiscate the phones, presumably on some trumped up charge.

You know what they say about power corrupting...

Climate change skepticism is now misogyny

So, here we have an article claiming that climate change affects women more than men.

Of course it's written by the (far left-wing) conversation, so what else should I expect.

I guess if the life expectancy gap between men and women starts to close then we can attribute climate change as the cause.

Also, anyone now denying climate change will be also called a misogynist and racist (since it'll also affect poorer countries more than rich ones too).

So many racist, misogynist deniers out there...

Human chimerism - a false flag

In an interesting article about human chimerism in relation to a baby born whose DNA only matched 10% of his 'father's' they make a number of interesting claims about it:

  • One minute the article states that "the geneticists are blown away by this", followed later by "chimera reports are rare", then blow those both away with "human chimerism is very common".  It's either common or it's rare, it can't be both.
  • "Genetically the dad is his son's uncle" - wouldn't he have been his son's grandfather?  10% match is a number more closely associated with more distant relatives.  Did they bother to test any of the other males in the family?
  • "Human chimerism isn't new though - it's been seen in shows like CSI and in real life cases".  Claiming it was the story on a TV show doesn't make it any more likely than seeing Jedi powers on Star Wars makes The Force any more real.
I'm all for the truth in genetic mutation and believe that it must exist, however I think this lack of real study is probably just going to fuel more and more cases of children's DNA not matching their father being blamed on "another case of chimerism" instead of what it is statistically more likely: pregnancy from infidelity.

Also, I was under the impression that chimerism was more likely to occur in women as their DNA is thought to be altered slightly with each baby they carry to term.  Of course, I don't see anyone reporting that information as widely as this potential get-out-of-infidelity chimerism stuff.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Supporting the SJW violence against women line will not offer protection from it

Here's a guy who is claiming he's being falsely accused of domestic violence against women.

Notice how being a White Ribbon Ambassador hasn't helped him avoid any of this.  Even if his name is "cleared", the accusations will hang around like a bad smell.

I wonder if anyone will publicly come to his defense or if he's completely tainted.  Also, if his accuser is found to have been making it up, if she'll face any penalties.


Primary School Principal assaulted

So, here we have another 4th paragraph phenomenon, this time taking until the 6th paragraph to identify the person doing the assaulting as being female.

I'm not sure whether it's that women today are more violent in general or if, much like today, they suppress details when a woman is the cause.  Either way, sucks to be men.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Left-wing media pushing anti-Australian agenda...still

So here we have a very emotive article posing as truth about the anti-Islam protests.

Notice how he glosses over how antagonistic the counter protesters were (many wore face masks to conceal their identities, something in itself that should be met with a degree of suspicion) in burning an Australian flag.  Oh no, it's the anti-Islam protesters who should be focused on for their reaction!

If a man burns a copy of the Koran and sees his house burnt down for it, does the media focus on the Muslims who lash out or on the man who shouldn't have disrespected the faith and beliefs of another culture?

Oh wait, that's right, the media has an agenda to follow, and follow they will.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Woman hit and run, media hides gender again

So here we have a tragic case of a woman who was knocked over in a hit and run and has ended up in hospital.

Of course, the media is doing its usual best to make sure we the public have lost interest in the story before we realize that it was actually a woman who was driving the car.

Notice how we never find out the name of the alleged driver, it's just "a 26 year old woman"...

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Universities spreading Left-Wing agenda using Australian taxpayer dollars

Well, the (Left-Wing) Conversation has an article explaining why Universities branch out into other countries.

The truth is really more a case of the Universities are just trying to spread their Left-wing agenda into other countries using the money taken from Western students and governments to do so, but lets pretend it's all in the name of education.

Nothing to see here.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Woman caught with drugs, media pleads her case

So a female lawyer was caught with a banned substance, is facing penalties for committing a crime and the media is making out as though this poor woman shouldn't be punished.

If anyone should know the laws and punishment it's the people who studied it at University!

So, the title of the article suggests that this woman was innocent until a mean and nasty drug bust caught her out.  What the title of the article SHOULD read is "Female lawyer caught with drugs, unable to practice law", but we'd never see a negative headline about a female in a situation where the media is trying to downplay the situation.

Would we ever see an article titled "Busting of pedophile ring costs teacher his dream job"?  Doubtful.

Man sentenced in threesome murder case

So, here is another case of the 4th paragraph where a man killed another man for having a threesome involving his wife.

Please note, the man has been sentenced to a minimum of 17 years jail for a single murder and was a chronic drug user.  If his wife had been the one who had murdered someone in those circumstances we know that the sentence would be in single digits.

Fourth paragraph for hero males saving elderly couple, first paragraph for man who had a car accident

So here we have another case of the 4th paragraph phenomenon, this time where the media takes until the 4th paragraph to let people know that all the 'heroes' in the story are male.

Actually, they only identify one of the heroes as being a male by that point.  It takes them longer to get through all of the people who saved the couple.

Contrast that with this article where it is in the sub-heading that we find out that, shock horror, the 'deadly driver' is a man!  This is despite the fact that the driver had an intellectual disability.

Friday, September 18, 2015

No sympathy for abused man who murdered, only jail time

So here we have a case of a man who lost control because of a comment his partner made causing him to lash out.

What's interesting is that we know that, had the genders been reversed, a woman who kills a man because of having been molested as a child would have been given a lighter sentence.  Well, even lighter than the sentence she would have received for being a woman in the first place.

So, despite the fact that the guy had shown remorse and had good prospects for rehabilitation, he must serve a minimum of 15 years jail, meaning he won't get out until he's 60 years old.

What use is a 60 year old man who has spent the last quarter of his life in prison?

Whilst I don't condone violence of any kind and it's no justification for his reaction, it was clear that the woman was erratic and was seeking to antagonize the guy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Man gets scarred, media plays it all down

So a man has been severely injured by his girlfriend in a clear act of domestic violence, only to not only have the media play it all down, but also for the woman to not receive any jail time.  Standard.

The whole article, despite being about a man who now has injuries to his genitals that are estimated as going to take two years (!) to heal, the whole article is basically saying the guy had it coming in a round about way and playing the whole thing down.

If the genders were reversed and it was the story about how a man branded his girlfriend's breasts because she cheated on him, the whole article would focus on the plight of abused women.

Oddly enough, the video at the top of the article was about the plight of abused women (not men like the guy in the article) and detailed the government's plan to make violence against women comparable to violence against police officers - very heavily punished.  So, the fact that men are attacked in Australia more than women overall just means that we really are becoming second class citizens.

The only mention of domestic violence in the whole article is the listing of hotlines for domestic violence at the bottom, which surprisingly also includes one for men!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Another case of the media suppressing gender

So here we have the case of a pregnant woman who had boiling soup thrown on her, but the media takes until the fourth paragraph (including the headline) to mention that the 'customer' that assaulted the pregnant woman was, in fact, a woman.

It's really bad when the media just refers to the perpetrator multiple times as simply "the customer" when they would have mentioned it in the headline had the perpetrator been male.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Woman accused of killing husband, media surprisingly short on details

So here we have a case of a woman who is alleged to have killed her husband on a kayaking trip.

What doesn't make a whole lot of sense is the lack of information about why the police suspect her except that she waited 25 minutes to make the call after he drowned.

I'd be curious to note if she did anything to keep him under, but something tells me we're not going to find out.

A bit like the case of a woman who "allegedly killed her abusive husband" in Turkey.  Notice how the media only bothers putting the word "allegedly" in front of the thing the woman is accused of and not in front of the now-dead man.  Aren't we all to assume that he too is innocent until proven guilty?

The article then also went on to state statistics supporting the allegation against the man, who was too dead to comment on allegations of his abuse.

Media treads carefully when accusing solicitor of raping daughter

So, here we have yet another case of a man being accused of something with the media only too happy to show the guy's face, even though everything is only alleged.

I'm sure the news sites did a lot of checking on what they wrote since the guy being accused is actually a solicitor.

Curiously enough, the mother was supposedly 'involved' in one of the alleged incidents, yet it's only the father's name being dragged through the mud.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

If only the police investigate wives who benefit from their husbands death like this...

So, here we have a case of a man going through trial by media because he's alleged to have pushed his wife to her death.  He's also now being investigated from when his first wife died also.

If the police investigated the widows of men who died like they're coming after this guy then there'd be a lot less free widows left, but more importantly, a lot less dead men.  Kind of makes you wonder how many cases where suicide is ruled as the cause of death, but was actually the wife setting it up to make it look like that.

Here's a different case where a wife who killed her 'husband', only to find out that her 'husband' was a woman.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Perth mother assaults 14 year-old girl, gets probation

So, here we have yet another case of a woman being given a pass by a judge for joining in on a fight with a 14 year-old girl, giving the girl two black eyes and getting no jail time.

Who is supposed to be the adult there?  What parent seriously jumps into a fight their child is in and starts punching?

We all know that if a man did the same thing he'd be put in jail, but I guess that's just 'justice'.  Sometimes I think the statue of Lady Justice (you know, the blindfolded woman holding a set of scales in one hand and a sword in the other, signifying that justice is blind, works on evidence and punishes accordingly) should have a third arm for establishing gender, because we all know the sword always falls lighter on women than it does on men.

Elderly man attacked by two girls and a boy, media hides details

So, a 77 year old man has been brutally bashed by three teenagers: two girls and a boy.  It's interesting that the following things are noted about the article:

  1. The article itself did not make any of the headlines, only tucked away in other news.
  2. The headline focuses solely on the fact the man was bashed.
  3. The article takes until the 5TH PARAGRAPH to mention the genders of the perpetrators involved, specifically because two of the three perpetrators are female.
  4. The article is quick to point out the gender of the WOMEN who came to his aid after he was assaulted.  Usually, if assistance is given by men they're simply referred to as 'good Samaritans'.
  5. The article then only lists the details of the male offender, who it refers to as the "main attacker".  No details of either of the girls, even though his account clearly states that he was attacked by two people at the same time, causing him to fall.
  6. The lack of mentioning of any of the attackers being white, coupled with the description of the attacker having "short, dark hair", suggests that the attackers are all of a minority, but the media is suppressing that detail because they fear backlashes.

We can't expect too much from the media.  They're so busy trying to demonize white men that they've clearly forgotten how to report all of the details.  It's a pity that the Government is beholden to the PC crowd, because an independent audit of the media would show clear bias against white men.

Anti-white, anti-male media strikes against hunter dentist

It's certainly very telling what the media does and doesn't approve of by the way they hound this dentist who shot and killed a lion.  Notice the line "the white male, in his 40s".  Nowhere else will you see any minority accused of anything summed up in such a way.

Do false accusers get hounded like this?  No.  They get protected by the courts.

But if you're a straight, white male, expect everything you do to be held to the highest moral, legal, economic and ideological standard of anyone.  Any slip in any of those areas will see you be branded by the collective and attacked in any way they can.

Notice how nobody hounded this woman who killed an elephant with a bow and arrow.  No, she was celebrated for her incredible ability!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

So there IS a story about a sperm donor who doesn't want to be known

Here's a story about a guy whose sperm has been used to create as many as two dozen children and who doesn't want to be found.

Amazingly this story didn't make it into their scrolling headlines, although we all know stories the media really wants to keep telling.

Notice how his wife has sufficient concerns that she wants to move interstate?  Also notice how the article has videos linked that have absolutely nothing to do with the article?  Would the media put meaningless videos through an article about the violent death of a woman?  NO!

On the plus side, perhaps this will lead to some kind of engagement with prior donors about how to best proceed, but the reality is the government will throw concerns like the guy (and his family) above out the window in the "best interests of the child".

On what planet do people have to live on to seriously believe that not a single child conceived through sperm donation will want any money from their donor, will not be a danger to their donor and is happy just to meet them once?

When will the government consider the lives of the donors instead of taking the popular option?!  We all know that we'll probably never hear about a donor conceived child assaulting their donor because that would go against the media's agenda.  Either that or, like this article, they'll be safely tucked away on a website you'd have to click five associated stories links to get to!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Another woman seeking the father of her baby UPDATE: Hoax!

UPDATE:  Turns out that the whole story was a hoax, with the pitiful apology that followed linked here.

Not that she's sorry "IF people were misled".  Of course they were misled, because she told them an outright lie.  Misleading someone is saying something ambiguous and letting them draw their own conclusions.  She (and her cohort) lied to people as a marketing ploy.  There's no way anyone watched her original video and thought anything other than what she put out there.

This is fast becoming the boy who cried wolf territory, in that people will be far less likely to want to help out the next time a woman comes forward, like actually happened in Perth a while ago.

The people of Mooloolaba have every right to be upset about the representation of their area as it suggests that the whole marketing aspect is one of "come to Mooloolaba and have easy one-night stands with even easier women!"  Tries to make the area sound like some kind of debauched getaway.

ORIGINAL POST (unedited):

So here we have another woman, French this time, trying desperately to find the Australian father of her child.

Ok, so is the guy wealthy or have a high-paying job by any chance?

If he was the love of her life, why didn't she at least grab his phone number or email address at the time?  If he was so amazing, then why did she go home to France and not just stay?

Perhaps the pregnancy hormones are kicking in and she's putting more emotion into what was otherwise just a one night stand.

Remember, once the guy comes forward she can backtrack on her "love story", hit the guy up for child support and head back to France knowing she's covered.  It sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

Just like all those people who claim "I don't want anything from him", with the statement meaning "I don't want anything from him... at the moment in my current circumstances, but my circumstances may change and I reserve the right to change my mind at any time".

Don't Waste Donate removes comments - EDIT

So, after over 6 months of no response to any of my questions, the Don't Waste Donate website has completely removed all comments from their FAQ section.

I notice now they've got various information about how the donor isn't legally the father, the woman's husband or partner is (unless he didn't consent to the procedure).

So, for any woman out there seeking to snag a man the old-fashioned way, don't be so sure.

Although, I highly doubt it would stand up in a court of law for the poor unsuspecting husband, as most governments only give 'fathers' 12 months to find out.  After that time the family courts usually take the view the the child has bonded with the 'father' and it's too late for him to walk away.

I wonder if we'll ever hear about any cases where that happens or, knowing the media's choice for biased reporting, whether they just brush stories like that under the carpet.

EDIT - re-reading the above, given that medical records are sealed, even from spouses (I know this from trying to get the results of a simple test on behalf of my wife!), how would a husband be able to confirm whether or not his wife had used a sperm donor without getting the courts involved?  It's one of those "you'll have to start WWIII to find that out" things, so even asking the question is a problem.

Don't Waste Donate removes comments - EDIT

So, after over 6 months of no response to any of my questions, the Don't Waste Donate website has completely removed all comments from their FAQ section.

I notice now they've got various information about how the donor isn't legally the father, the woman's husband or partner is (unless he didn't consent to the procedure).

So, for any woman out there seeking to snag a man the old-fashioned way, don't be so sure.

Although, I highly doubt it would stand up in a court of law for the poor unsuspecting husband, as most governments only give 'fathers' 12 months to find out.  After that time the family courts usually take the view the the child has bonded with the 'father' and it's too late for him to walk away.

I wonder if we'll ever hear about any cases where that happens or, knowing the media's choice for biased reporting, whether they just brush stories like that under the carpet.

EDIT - re-reading the above, given that medical records are sealed, even from spouses (I know this from trying to get the results of a simple test on behalf of my wife!), how would a husband be able to confirm whether or not his wife had used a sperm donor without getting the courts involved?  It's one of those "you'll have to start WWIII to find that out" things, so even asking the question is a problem.

Don't Waste Donate removes comments - EDIT

So, after over 6 months of no response to any of my questions, the Don't Waste Donate website has completely removed all comments from their FAQ section.

I notice now they've got various information about how the donor isn't legally the father, the woman's husband or partner is (unless he didn't consent to the procedure).

So, for any woman out there seeking to snag a man the old-fashioned way, don't be so sure.

Although, I highly doubt it would stand up in a court of law for the poor unsuspecting husband, as most governments only give 'fathers' 12 months to find out.  After that time the family courts usually take the view the the child has bonded with the 'father' and it's too late for him to walk away.

I wonder if we'll ever hear about any cases where that happens or, knowing the media's choice for biased reporting, whether they just brush stories like that under the carpet.

EDIT - re-reading the above, given that medical records are sealed, even from spouses (I know this from trying to get the results of a simple test on behalf of my wife!), how would a husband be able to confirm whether or not his wife had used a sperm donor without getting the courts involved?  It's one of those "you'll have to start WWIII to find that out" things, so even asking the question is a problem.


So a whistleblower has come out saying that the South Australian prisons are going to end up with deaths in custody due to a lack of training and equipment.

Remember, that's not to say the other state prisons are any better, just that someone has come forward about these ones.

Remember, as far as the general public is concerned, men who are guilty of anything deserve everything that happens to them in prison, whether they're serving time for fraud, rape or murder.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A child is dead, two reporters are dead and the media is hiding details

So, here we have a media that has been running so many non-stories and one wonders why.

Well, it turns out that the two big stories at the moment (that they've NOT running) is that the father of the girl found dead in rural Victoria was seeking to get the children away from their mother for their safety and that the shooter of two people who was a gay, black man with a gun.

So now the media is focusing on gun control and only on gun control, not on the race element.

This despite all white people being made to feel responsible for any dead black man, but here's a black man who openly stated he was killing white people and the black community comment on him like he's a martyr to the race war.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ms Gillard says gay marriage now ok

So, Australia's former Prime Minister (and super feminist) Julia Gillard, unshackled by possibly upsetting constituents, is free to promote gay marriage, an institution that she herself hasn't partaken in because she believes "marriage was a patriarchal institute".

This from a person who, as Prime Minister, has been rated dead last in out of an opinion poll for the best Government for the country.  Perhaps she didn't want to rattle too many cages at the time as she was so unpopular.  Must be the misogyny of 88% of the population (8% were undecided).

Sounds like Labor is desperately latching onto a single election issue.  The next election might not be until 2017 (or late 2016), but that's not going to stop the Labor party from laying the groundwork now.

I wonder if we'll see pro-gay marriage people abusing anyone who disagrees with them in Australia like they had in Ireland?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Women stressed when working in male dominated offices

So, even more studies on how hard it is for women who work in offices dominated by men.

No studies done about the effects of men working in female dominated offices.  What should men who work in female workplaces do if they're stressed?  Suck it up.

Girl charged with manslaughter of guy's suicide, it's still the guy's fault

So here's a story about a girl who goaded a guy into committing suicide before running a fundraiser to raise money to help people who are contemplating suicide.

So, her lawyer is claiming that since the guy killed himself she remains completely blameless.  If the genders were reversed would that still apply?

I highly doubt it!


So, after the whole trial and the judge declaring the girl guilty, she only get sentenced to 2.5 years jail, with a minimum sentence of 15 months.  That's right, she pushed a guy to commit suicide and was only sentenced to a minimum of 15 months jail.

One wonders how much of that time will be deemed "time served".  Will she actually be getting out of jail in a couple of months?

Absolutely disgusting.

Male-only chemical castration for child sex offenders

So, here's an article about the government planning on using chemical castration on (male only) child sex offenders after they're released from jail.

The article uses gender neutral language, but it's understood that female child sex offenders won't be on the list for the procedure because, well they're just misunderstood people who made bad choices.  Men are the real danger here!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Woman throws acid into ex-boyfriend's face, still the victim

So, here we have a case of a woman who was jailed for 14 years (!) for throwing acid into the face of her ex-boyfriend, but apparently she's still the victim because a mean man made her do it.

The media is clearly trying to minimize the fact that she was a willing participant in a crime that has resulted in a man being severely disfigured.  How disfigured?  Well, unlike stories where women are maimed, this article doesn't mention it, but in another article it says he received 3rd-degree burns and nearly lost his eye.

Talk about minimizing the crime!

This whole article is written to garner sympathy for the woman whose baby was taken away from her as soon as it was born in prison.

The media should be ashamed of itself.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sperm Donors Anonymous documentary review

So I finally watched the Sperm Donors Anonymous documentary and I have to say that, whilst the overall documentary was pretty well edited, it was lacking in several parts.


The documentary features the stories of several donor conceived children looking for their 'donor father' and a donor himself hoping for contact from his 'donor children'.  It also features the story of the (non-biological) father of a couple of donor conceived children telling what it was like for him also.

By the end of the documentary [SPOILER ALERT] we see that the female donor child has made contact with her donor father, who is now apart of her life, one of the two male donor children makes contact and meets (off camera) with his donor father and the second male donor child makes contact but, because he's leaving the country he'll catch up some time next year.

Lack of conclusion:

I understand that all documentaries need to set an end-date to their coverage, but seriously, you follow the story of a guy who is looking for his donor father, finally finds him, makes contact but then leave it at "he's got rough plans to meet him some time next year next time he's in Australia".

The producers obviously edited the whole thing to make the viewer feel sympathetic to how desperately the donor children feel in needing to find their donor father only to have one of their subjects decide "I was desperate to find this guy, but it's a little inconvenient to do this any time this year so I'll get back to it some time next year".

How are we supposed to believe that it really meant anything significant to a guy that treats the whole thing like refilling a prescription.  "Yeah, I need this drug, but I'm a bit too busy this week so I'll just go next week".  This all playing out after following all of the supposed emotion of him wanting to meet his donor father.

Lack of balance in reporting:

Now, I never expect anything from the ABC to present everything that doesn't follow their agenda, but seriously, the closest we got to a balanced documentary on this was a single line from one of the donor fathers interviewed saying "we were promised anonymity".  That was in with all of the other stuff about how excited all of the donor fathers are to meet their 'children'.

Where are the blacked out faces of the guys who are saying they're angry that the government is retroactively removing their anonymity?  Where is the guy saying that he doesn't want to meet any 'children' and having the government force this on him is an invasion of his privacy?

The whole tone of the documentary was summed up when one of the other female donor children, who only has a couple of minutes featured, talked about how she tried contacting her donor father and how he must be some sort of coward for not wanting to meet with her.

That's right, it's the Left's favourite tactic of "you either agree with what we're trying to do or you're a heartless bastard and, if you happen to be a sperm donor and don't want contact with your 'children', you're a cowardly heartless bastard".

Overall, I guess I was expecting a bit better journalism from a government funded network showing a bit of balance, but I probably expected too much.

Watch it if you want, but I wouldn't waste my time if I were you.

Monday, August 17, 2015

So media is already pushing for yet more access!

So the bulk of vocal sperm donated children are getting what they want: access to their donor parent's details.

However, for children born to donors between 1988 and 1998 they'll have to follow a set of rules that states that they will comply with the contact preference (by phone, in person or not at all) or face a $8,856 fine.

So, if a donor who donated between those years who opts to not be contacted at all and the donor child does anyway, they get fined only $8,856.

Does the money paid in the fine go to the donor whose privacy been ignored?  No.

But the media, always on the side of the left, is already putting in a little dig to suggest that donor children who ignore a legal document should see no consequence with this line: "the move to impose fines on anyone who breaches a contract preference could also expose the government to claims of hypocrisy, given Labor is in the process of repealing similar fines put in place by the Coalition to protect adopted children from being contacted by their biological parents without full consent".

I guess that's the standard tactic of the left: promise those who are losing something (in this case their privacy) that if the people who don't agree to follow your preferred method of losing said something then they'll be fined.  Then after a period of time remove the fine altogether and it's open season on people taking things (like your privacy) from you.

Who in their right mind would sign up for sperm donation in the current climate?!?

Sure, you could have a fine upstanding citizen show up on your doorstep in 20 years time.  You could also wind up with an ICE addict looking for a place to crash because their 'real' parents have kicked them out.

Seriously, when are we going to see SOME measures put in place to protect at least the families of sperm donors.  How about at the very least raising the age they can access your details to 30 years old and only if you've got no criminal convictions.  If you have criminal convictions then it's for the donor whose details you want to access to decide if he's happy for you to still contact.

"Yes, I'm fine with son A contacting me because he's only been charged with shoplifting once, which was 5 years ago.  I'm NOT fine with son B contacting me because he was arrested for dealing ICE in night clubs last week and I've got children of my own who I don't want to expose them to that element."

It would be good to at least have that option, however I don't think we'll see that any time soon.  At least not as long as we keep seeing documentary after documentary about how all of these men who donated anonymously are just so excited to meet their children!

Sperm Donors Anonymous airs tonight

So the ABC (or as I sometimes call it Almost Basically Communism) has a documentary airing tonight about sperm donation called 'Sperm Donors Anonymous'.

I'll have to watch this show, but knowing what the ABC is like (and how the article telling about the show) it'll feature a whole heap of guys who were promised anonymity who are now "overjoyed with the thought of meeting their donor children".

On the other hand, the main guy who they seem to interview for the article does a bit of unintentional 'black-knighting' when he suggests that the freedom to contact should go both ways - ie that donors should be given their donor children's details as well.

I fully support this for a couple of reasons, one being that it'll make people realize that an adult turning up out of the blue and proclaiming you 'their biological father' can be stressful to many people.

But, we all know the freedom of information wouldn't happen both ways because you'd be potentially creating stress for women (single women or lesbian partnerships) and the government will do anything they can to minimize stress for women, but men can just suck it up.

Woman sets man's penis on fire, media plays it down

Here's a story about a woman who set her man's penis of fire because of his alleged cheating.

I think the last line of the article perfectly sums up the general attitude of the media's attitude of domestic violence towards men: "this can be a lesson to anyone weighing up the pros and cons of cheating".

Would they ever write that kind of ending to an article about a woman getting assaulted over alleged cheating?  I guess not.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

It takes a media five paragraphs to tell us when woman is at fault

So, here we have a story about a poor woman who is having to overcome severe trauma because of a (female) drunk driver who drove on the wrong side of the road.

Contrast that with this other story about a drunk driver where we knew it was a man from the first paragraph.

Equality for all (except when women commit crimes)!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

In other news, people whose livelihoods depend on agreement with the status quo actually agree

So here's we've got a completely one-sided anti-Trump article that doesn't even bother to investigate any of Trump's claims, just laugh them off.

So, apparently collecting a bunch of tweets from a person constitutes journalism now.

To response to the author's stupid link to 'explain why Trump is wrong':

Preamble - "Climate scientists say they are 95 percent certain that human influence has been the dominant cause of global warming".
My response - People whose careers and funding get better when they agree worse if they don't typically agree.  I will never see a hairdresser tell me I don't need a haircut, not even when I've just had one from a different guy down the road.

1.  That is true.  The biggest greenhouse gas is actually water vapour.  Any plans on banning water yet?

2.  So, doing to very straight-forward chemistry calculations means you get to ignore other variables?  Can we declare because of the last volcano eruption that the southern hemisphere isn't allowed to burn coal for the next 5 years?

3.  That may be happening, but we've not yet seen conclusive proof that humans are the primary cause.  Remember, scientific consensus by a group of people who'll get millions in grant money if they say yes, IS NOT PROOF.  Again, getting three hairdressers together to ask them all if you need a haircut and you'll still get a yes BECAUSE THEY ALL KNOW THAT AT LEAST ONE OF THEM WILL GET MONEY FROM THE ANSWER IF YOU FOLLOW!

4.  Data that shows what we want it to show that only dates back 60 years (while ignoring temperature data from the last 2000 years) will only focus on relative increases in our current time frame because apparently it doesn't fit with the narrative.

5.  Those two graphs on that website only very loosely line up.  Notice how the dark lines represent a line of best fit yet if you look really closely at the thinner lines, the sharp rises and falls barely match.  Solar activity is a contributing factor, but let's remember that it's a complicated equation not: it's all coals fault, stop burning coal.  If we did, we'd spend the next 100 years being told what the next thing we're not allowed to do is.

6.  Declaration of impossible from person who then tells you what you MUST do to make it possible.  Can this person then explain why the medieval warming period happen?  Oh, must have been the pre-medieval industrial age they had stupid!

Summary:  In summary, an intergovernmental group (who were made up of very well paid people pushing an agenda) all agreed (there's that consensus again!) that humans are the cause.

Seriously, is this what passes as journalism?

Six months since Don't Waste Donate received my questions

Update about the Don't Waste Donate website.

So it's now been SIX months since I posted my harmless questions about the risks and obligations of sperm donors that have gone unanswered and I was beginning to think that the website had in fact become inactive.

My money is on the latter.  Either way, the site is NOT inactive.

Apparently you can't mention "blood" to any woman

So Trump is in the news again, this time about supposedly misogynist claims after he said to Megyn Kelly "you can see there was blood coming out of her eyes, coming out of her whatever".

Ok, so if he'd actually said "you can see there was blood coming out of her eyes, ears, nose and mouth" they'd turn that into a domestic violence against woman issue.

I wonder if the media will ever get around to properly reporting on Hilary and all of her career fails.  Probably not until she's done running for office.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Why get involved?

It never ceases to amaze me that women still think that men should step in and risk being assaulted to stand up for people who don't stand up for themselves.

Ok, so "where are the real men"?  The first thing we learn is that, if there's no violence happening (only words) then what's the point in escalating anything?  Why should I step in and argue with the guy when all it's going to do is probably anger him.

Would I step in if he was assaulting people?  Possibly.  Would I step in just because he's saying a few bad things?  Not unless I really felt I could handle the situation.

Notice how it's "where are the real men" when there's potentially violence, but it's "women are every bit as capable as men at everything" every other minute of the day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Two children and their father die in caravan explosion, media jumps to conclusion it is murder-suicide

So here's a really unfortunate case of a caravan explosion that killed two children and their father.

What's horrible, though, is before the dust has even settled on the tragedy the media is straight into implying the father might have done this on purpose.

It used to be that the media would wait for some sort of investigation to be completed before dragging an dead innocent man's name through the mud.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Man killed by wife, media writes her defense even though she's found guilty

Here's yet another case of the media coming to the defense of a woman who killed her husband and has made accusations against him he can't defend.

So, even though she's be sentenced to eleven years jail (minimum of seven years) for stabbing her husband of 11 years after an alleged argument, the media seeks to canonize her for her ordeal.

The reason being that the family of the dead man are seeking compensation for pain and suffering.

Good on the media for being completely fair and balanced when reporting stories involving convicted criminals.  I'm sure every story about a man who has killed a woman has a full page article giving the background explaining why the man did what he did.

Oh wait...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Man sentenced to two and half years, woman gets time served

If ever there was an example of the double standard of sentencing it's this: man sentenced to two and a half years jail and registry on the sex offender registry for having public sex with a women who gets time served and registry on the sex offender.

So, literally the same act has resulted in the man going to jail for over two years and the women gets a pass.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

French woman kills eight babies, media rushes to her defence...

So, here's a case of a French woman who killed eight babies and the media is outlining (and justifying) why she did it.

She claimed it was because she thought the babies were the result of incest (with her father) but DNA test results have since proven that all eight babies belonged to her husband.

Amazing the level of defense and justification the media will give to a female killer.  Would they be so defensive of a man who'd killed eight babies?  No likely!

UPDATE:  The above link failed, since the page has been taken down.  Here's a link to a different article about the same thing.

Also, it turns out that Dominique Cottrez was only sentenced to nine years jail, which works out to be  a little over a year per child killed.

This is in contrast with Celine Lesage, who was sentenced to 15 years jail for killing six of her newborn babies (over two years per child killed) and Veronique Courjault was jailed for eight years jail for killing her three children (a little under two years per child killed).

Contrast this relatively light French justice against the case of Christophe Champenois who was sentenced to 30 years jail for killing his own child (30 years for one child).

The two lessons to take away from this are that the more children you kill, the less time you'll be sentenced to, unless you're male.  Kill anyone if you're a male and you'll go away for virtually life.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Woman falsifies racial identity, blames parents for 'outing' her

So, a woman who has made a whole career out of claiming to belong to a minority group has been outed as actually being white.

Of course the article frames it as though the only reason it's an issue is because her mean parents have outed her in revenge of her supporting her brother's accuser over her brother.

Funny how the comments section is overwhelmingly against her.  Given that the bulk of the population would be mad at her, it's easy to see why:
  • African-American (or Black as she calls them) people are mad that she is taking a (presumably well paid) position that should be reserved for a person of the same.
  • White people are mad that she's claiming victim-hood, whilst still not really belonging to the group she's claiming to belong to.
It'll be interesting to see whether this woman will now get an actual real job or if she'll pick up where she left off, this time arguing for the rights of trans-racial people.

I guess the (over?) reaction of people is partly the same as would be if you got a girl home from a bar only to find that she was born a man and hadn't had surgery.  Would you be sexist, misogynistic or homophobic by kicking the 'girl' out of your house or would you be following through with every person's right to turn away someone at any point who had not truthfully represented them self?

Interestingly enough, the definition of rape has been expanded to include misleading women (think Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother) but there are people who don't think that transgendered people should be held to the same standards.

I don't know, I think if it's good for the gander, it's good for the goose that used to be a gander.

Gillard advises Hillary to screech sexism

So, apparently Gillard has given advice to Hillary Clinton on calling out sexism when she sees it.

A pity Gillard never bothered calling out the sexism of her men in blue ties speech.

Apparently saying that all men are interchangeable isn't sexist, it's feminist!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Update: Don't Waste Donate website is still active

Update about the Don't Waste Donate website.

So it's now been FOUR months since I posted my harmless questions about the risks and obligations of sperm donors that have gone unanswered and I was beginning to think that the website had in fact become inactive.

Well, there have been some additional questions raised this month that HAVE made it onto their FAQ page, which suggests either that they're looking into it or they don't want to or can't answer my questions.

My money is on the latter.  Either way, the site is NOT inactive.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Don't keep women waiting too long

Here's an interesting case of a woman being charged with making a false rape accusation because the men took too long to find their car.

Notice how:
  1. The 'journalist' reporting the story diminishes her responsibility because she was both drunk and high on cocaine at the time she filed the false accusation.
  2. The judge sounds like posturing with the whole "did not make any promises" about not sentencing her to jail - we all know she won't serve any time.
  3. The charges laid at her are only about wasting police time (over 100 hours).  There's no charges in there for making false accusations resulting in two COMPLETELY INNOCENT MEN who were actually trying to do her a favour by giving her a lift home, being locked up in custody for 18 hours whilst being questioned, which I guess is just standard in the West these days.
One thing that cases like this will do is to make men far less likely to want to offer woman of any state (sober or inebriated) any help or assistance.  I guess then the cry will turn to "where have all the good men gone", without care for why they left in the first place.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Media hides the truth in the title of Ariel Winter's case

So here we have it that Ariel Winter has been legally emancipated from her mother, although the media chooses to report that she's getting away from her family.

It's not until you get into the article that you find out that she's really getting away from her mother and she actually thanked her father for his support in helping her get away, although a casual reader of headlines would naturally conclude that Ariel was also trying to get away from him too.

I believe that if she were fleeing her father the headline would have read "Ariel Winter Officially Emancipated from her Abusive Father".  But we'd only see that headline when the abusive party is male!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How many people have heard of Anitha Matthew?

So, here's an article crying out about the domestic violence crisis.  I wonder if anyone noticed a recent article about a mother who killed her two sons back in 2012.  The article even goes on to defend her by painting her as a desperate woman who feared her husband taking her to India, despite the fact that she'd threatened to kill her children before she actually did.  Notice how the article is centered around the questioning and grilling of the husband, the man who lost his whole family because of his ex-wife's malicious act and therefore a victim, as though it's somehow his fault.

So, apparently women need more protection from men, but children don't need any more protection from women?

One thing I did notice that, of the three cases being held up as examples of bad/evil men who have killed their partners in the first article, only one of them was Caucasian.  Now, for many people that may be a case of "yes, but Victoria, Australia is a very multicultural state.  My response to that is that the majority of the population is still Caucasian, but more importantly, that people of African and Asian background are in a minority.  If 75% percent of the population is Caucasian, and if all races are equally likely to commit any crime, then 75% of the people held up as examples should have been Caucasian.

The leftist media, however, won't follow that path that will result in concluding that, on a percentage basis, that men of a certain ethnic background have a higher risk of partner violence (that would be racist), so they simply paint all men with the same brush.  Much more fair.

Update - It's also interesting to note that one of the cases held up was actually drug (Ice) related, so should this be treated as a simple DV case or as a drug induced homicide?

It's still getting old that if a man does something while high/drunk then he's completely accountable, yet a woman plans on killing her children and follows through and they're grilling the father left behind like it's somehow his fault.

Monday, May 11, 2015

But she's sooooorrrrrryyyyy!

Here's a case of a woman who publicly defamed a husband and father who she branded a creep.

But, don't worry, because nothing should happen to her because she's so sorry.  At least, that's what the article says.

Gotta love how the whole article is centered around how sorry the woman is, with very little focus on what she did wrong and how the poor guy might feel.

If it were me I'd be suing her for everything she's got.

Women 'suspected' marriages were unlawful

Here's a case of a bunch of women who were paid to marry Indian men to get the men into the country.

Apparently, they're so naive that they only 'suspected' the arrangement was unlawful.

What a justification for not charging them.  Here's me thinking that ignorance of the law was no excuse.  Apparently that rule only applies if you're male.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Paraguayan man accused of alleged rape of 10 year old step-daughter

So here we have a case of a Paraguayan man being questioned over the alleged rape of his 10 year old step-daughter.

Clearly he's been interrogated a bit before the photo was taken, that is unless the bump on the side of his head and the bandage on his nose (broken nose?) was there before he was taken into custody.

I wonder if he gets an apology if his claims of innocence are proven true...

Female Principal caught with male student

Here's a case of a female Principal caught with a student.

I wonder how the media will swing this.  Poor, lonely married woman?  Victim of a loveless marriage?  Just trying to counsel the boy and felt the need to check for skin cancer at the same time?

That last one could work.  After all, we're always being told how good women are at multitasking.

Do we think she'll serve any jail time?  Highly unlikely.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Woman smears infected poo on work colleague's desk, gets no jail time

Well, we've come to expect this, but here's yet another case of a woman who has done something illegal and gotten no jail time for it.

Ok, so given that the bacteria can result in DEATH, which was this woman not charged with attempted murder?

Oh wait, being a woman means you'll get the lowest charge thrown at you for any crime.  Being a man would have meant they'd throw the book at you.

Carry on!

No response from DonateDontWaste website after 3 months

Well, being the sporadically proactive person I am, I decided to put forward some of my suggestions on how to increase the number of sperm donors to a website called in the FAQ section:

At the time of writing the questions, which aren't visible until the site owner allows them, have been waiting almost three months to responded to.  There could be two reasons for this, the first one being that the site is no longer being looked after, which isn't impossible since the last FAQ answered was back in 2011.

The more likely second reason is that the owners of the website can bring themselves to acknowledge that all of the laws and systems in place for sperm donation are to the detriment of male donors (and by extension, his family) and offers no protections for men in any way.

I have yet to see ANYONE standing up and advocating for the system to provide something that tells men that they'll be protected if a bad situation arises.  Until that happens, I think we'll continue to see shortages of donors.  Why would a man go skydiving if there's no guarantee he's got a parachute in the pack on his back?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Another attack on masculinity, this time on beards

So, as is standard for the Mainstream Media (or Man-hating Media) they've taken a bunch of samples from a small group of people and have concluded that all beards contain poo.

Wouldn't it be great if they could do the same thing about under-arm hair for women and declare all women should shave their armpits.  That would be sexist though, wouldn't it.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Media just won't learn its own lesson!

So here we have the case of a male athlete who didn't realise there were cameras filming him while he was changing.

The news site chooses to not only show it, but to mock him with it.

If the person being filmed naked was a female celebrity and the footage got out, you can bet that the media would be attacking perverts for watching an unsuspecting woman changing clothes.

But don't worry, it's a man whose is being filmed naked, so don't worry about privacy and just laugh!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It looks like the times are changing

Well, it looks like the times are changing.

Of course, the outrage could just be for show, much like how the media jumps on cases of divorce where the husband doesn't lose everything in a vague attempt to pretend that marriage isn't financially risky for men, perhaps the article is all about "look, we ARE punishing some female perpetrators...".

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Media focuses on how divorce negatively affects women, ignores men

Here we've got another media article going on about how bad divorce is for women, yet ignoring how life threatening it is for men.

Interesting to note is how the majority of divorces are initiated by women, so one could almost suggest the few negative effects on women are self-inflicted.  Where's the media on drawing a link to that?

Left-wing ABC Present Leigh Sales does it again

So, here we have another case of Leigh Sales going after a Liberal member like a pit bull when he didn't know something that he probably should.  We've seen time and again she doesn't take this hard-line attitude with any Labor politicians.

I guess she didn't learn anything after being called before the Audience and Consumer affairs panel for a particularly nasty interview with Tony Abbott.

Let's face it, it's no longer 'your' ABC, it's Labor's ABC.

Perhaps ABC really stands for Amazingly Biased Channel, because despite being publicly funded, it seems to be about as Left-wing as possible.  Any wonder its the Liberal government that keeps cutting their Left-wing extremist budgets?!

Who in their right mind would give MORE money to a group that has it in for you?!  Leigh Sales is apparently paid over $280,000 a year to be a pitbull for the Labor party out of our public money.  I think we can spend that money better on a more balanced news presenter.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Let the polygamist propaganda begin...

So the pro-polygamist propaganda has started.

What a wonderful way to get over the fact that men aren't getting married due to the unfair system.  Let's normalize polygamy and pretend that nothing's wrong.

I mean, polygamy appears to be in Islamic and Mormon communities and we all know that those countries/communities are some of the best in the world... I'm not sure at what, but they must be great, right?

FYI - I met a guy from Oman where polygamy is legal and he was telling me that the current generation generally doesn't practice polygamy.

Meshel Laurie takes offense at 'racist' Reclaim Australia protestor

So, little known comedian Meshel Laurie has taken offense to a person who believes in standing up for his beliefs.

Interesting to note that the man being accused of being a 'racist' actually responds:

So, here we have a rabid lefty who tries to get herself some attention calling out 'racism' but sensationalizes the events.

For the record, Islam is NOT a race, therefore anyone who doesn't agree with what Islamists are doing are not racists any more than people who disagree with what Catholics do are not racists.  Admittedly you could be anti-Catholic all day, everyday and you'd barely get a response.  You make one comment against Islam and you're branded a racist.

Double standards anyone?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Apparently gender is an important factor in determining funding

Here's an interesting article by Left-Wing site The (Leftist) Conversation about how science funding should be democratically determined.

A key line in the article caught my eye:  "To make sure the biggest guns didn't take all the funds, the winners could be stratified according to important criteria such as experience, gender and field of study".

My first problem with this is that the author of this article obviously knows that a lot of scientists don't necessarily believe in Climate Change, so are clearly not going to vote to send money towards studying something they don't believe in.  To overcome this, Climate Change will obviously be a 'field of study' area that'll automatically receive money regardless of actual votes given.

My second problem with this is that the author obviously thinks that women are incapable of putting forward any sort of compelling case to study some thing, so any woman applying for funding should automatically be given funding because we can't have any inequality in genders when it comes to science research.

My final problem with this is that what is being proposed is a system that removes any outside influence and allows an already overly credentialed and clique system to become more self absorbed.

Woman drives children into dam, media paints her as a saint with no suggestion of ill will

Here's an interesting article about a woman who drove her children into a dam.

Interesting to note the difference in tone to the article about the guy who drove his children into a dam.

Interesting to note that the who article about the woman focused on how distraught she was, was a loving mother she is and how her inactivity at the scene of the accident was most likely due to shock.  Contrast that with the guy who drove his children into the dam whose inactivity at the scene of the accident was attributed to his intent and guilt instead of shock.

I guess if you're a female then you're afforded a level of defense in the media that men are not.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Men to blame for wet wipes being flushed...

Here I've got two articles about why the sewerage system is getting blocked with wet wipes that are being flushed down the toilet.  The first article pins the problem mainly on men, the second doesn't mention who is to blame at all.

So, are we to gather that the daily telegraph, being the bastion of equality and journalistic integrity that it is actually did a proper poll on the issue, or can we safely assume they asked a bunch of people their opinions and took it that they "did a poll".

How many men do you know would use wet wipes instead of toilet paper?  I can't think of anyone who would even buy them except for women.

If there's a problem, just blame men, despite the fact that female hygiene products block up sewerage more consistently than anything else.  Can we blame men on that one too?  Maybe if men took out the rubbish more often then maybe women wouldn't need to flush their products too!