Thursday, May 7, 2015

No response from DonateDontWaste website after 3 months

Well, being the sporadically proactive person I am, I decided to put forward some of my suggestions on how to increase the number of sperm donors to a website called in the FAQ section:

At the time of writing the questions, which aren't visible until the site owner allows them, have been waiting almost three months to responded to.  There could be two reasons for this, the first one being that the site is no longer being looked after, which isn't impossible since the last FAQ answered was back in 2011.

The more likely second reason is that the owners of the website can bring themselves to acknowledge that all of the laws and systems in place for sperm donation are to the detriment of male donors (and by extension, his family) and offers no protections for men in any way.

I have yet to see ANYONE standing up and advocating for the system to provide something that tells men that they'll be protected if a bad situation arises.  Until that happens, I think we'll continue to see shortages of donors.  Why would a man go skydiving if there's no guarantee he's got a parachute in the pack on his back?

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