Notice how:
- The 'journalist' reporting the story diminishes her responsibility because she was both drunk and high on cocaine at the time she filed the false accusation.
- The judge sounds like posturing with the whole "did not make any promises" about not sentencing her to jail - we all know she won't serve any time.
- The charges laid at her are only about wasting police time (over 100 hours). There's no charges in there for making false accusations resulting in two COMPLETELY INNOCENT MEN who were actually trying to do her a favour by giving her a lift home, being locked up in custody for 18 hours whilst being questioned, which I guess is just standard in the West these days.
One thing that cases like this will do is to make men far less likely to want to offer woman of any state (sober or inebriated) any help or assistance. I guess then the cry will turn to "where have all the good men gone", without care for why they left in the first place.
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