So, my observation that the media, it all it's PC and bias, singles out men and whites in headlines, but pushes down references to women and minorities when reporting, unless it's a positive story, where the script is flipped and being male and/or white is left out.
Here in this wonderful week in the 4th paragraph, note the links here a MY headlines, the actual headlines are far more predicatble:
Three people "of African appearance" scarred a 34 year old woman for life over a phone
Man named Mohammed (presumed Muslim immigrant) assaults 2 year old girl, resulting in her death
Woman assaults elderly in shopping center and puts one in hospital for Christmas
Muslim(s) attack German Christmas market, killing 12 and injuring 50
I notice the web address on the 2nd article includes "as-girl-2-fights-for-life-in-hospital". Obviously the content of the article has since been updated, but the address hasn't.
All of these articles contain a common factor: the crucial details of the offenders, be they African, Muslim or women, is either withheld or left until after the first couple of paragraphs (by which time most casual readers would have stopped reading.
Contrast that with the following articles with their ACTUAL headlines:
Man attacks father in fight over Christmas shopping
Man attacks Muslim woman with coffee
So, let's face it, the media clearly haven't stopped doing their thing after they've clearly lost their credibility. I guess they have to first admit they've got a problem before they can do anything about it.
I'm not holding my breath for any admissions of racial/gender bias in the media.
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