Sunday, May 17, 2015

Media hides the truth in the title of Ariel Winter's case

So here we have it that Ariel Winter has been legally emancipated from her mother, although the media chooses to report that she's getting away from her family.

It's not until you get into the article that you find out that she's really getting away from her mother and she actually thanked her father for his support in helping her get away, although a casual reader of headlines would naturally conclude that Ariel was also trying to get away from him too.

I believe that if she were fleeing her father the headline would have read "Ariel Winter Officially Emancipated from her Abusive Father".  But we'd only see that headline when the abusive party is male!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How many people have heard of Anitha Matthew?

So, here's an article crying out about the domestic violence crisis.  I wonder if anyone noticed a recent article about a mother who killed her two sons back in 2012.  The article even goes on to defend her by painting her as a desperate woman who feared her husband taking her to India, despite the fact that she'd threatened to kill her children before she actually did.  Notice how the article is centered around the questioning and grilling of the husband, the man who lost his whole family because of his ex-wife's malicious act and therefore a victim, as though it's somehow his fault.

So, apparently women need more protection from men, but children don't need any more protection from women?

One thing I did notice that, of the three cases being held up as examples of bad/evil men who have killed their partners in the first article, only one of them was Caucasian.  Now, for many people that may be a case of "yes, but Victoria, Australia is a very multicultural state.  My response to that is that the majority of the population is still Caucasian, but more importantly, that people of African and Asian background are in a minority.  If 75% percent of the population is Caucasian, and if all races are equally likely to commit any crime, then 75% of the people held up as examples should have been Caucasian.

The leftist media, however, won't follow that path that will result in concluding that, on a percentage basis, that men of a certain ethnic background have a higher risk of partner violence (that would be racist), so they simply paint all men with the same brush.  Much more fair.

Update - It's also interesting to note that one of the cases held up was actually drug (Ice) related, so should this be treated as a simple DV case or as a drug induced homicide?

It's still getting old that if a man does something while high/drunk then he's completely accountable, yet a woman plans on killing her children and follows through and they're grilling the father left behind like it's somehow his fault.

Monday, May 11, 2015

But she's sooooorrrrrryyyyy!

Here's a case of a woman who publicly defamed a husband and father who she branded a creep.

But, don't worry, because nothing should happen to her because she's so sorry.  At least, that's what the article says.

Gotta love how the whole article is centered around how sorry the woman is, with very little focus on what she did wrong and how the poor guy might feel.

If it were me I'd be suing her for everything she's got.

Women 'suspected' marriages were unlawful

Here's a case of a bunch of women who were paid to marry Indian men to get the men into the country.

Apparently, they're so naive that they only 'suspected' the arrangement was unlawful.

What a justification for not charging them.  Here's me thinking that ignorance of the law was no excuse.  Apparently that rule only applies if you're male.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Paraguayan man accused of alleged rape of 10 year old step-daughter

So here we have a case of a Paraguayan man being questioned over the alleged rape of his 10 year old step-daughter.

Clearly he's been interrogated a bit before the photo was taken, that is unless the bump on the side of his head and the bandage on his nose (broken nose?) was there before he was taken into custody.

I wonder if he gets an apology if his claims of innocence are proven true...

Female Principal caught with male student

Here's a case of a female Principal caught with a student.

I wonder how the media will swing this.  Poor, lonely married woman?  Victim of a loveless marriage?  Just trying to counsel the boy and felt the need to check for skin cancer at the same time?

That last one could work.  After all, we're always being told how good women are at multitasking.

Do we think she'll serve any jail time?  Highly unlikely.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Woman smears infected poo on work colleague's desk, gets no jail time

Well, we've come to expect this, but here's yet another case of a woman who has done something illegal and gotten no jail time for it.

Ok, so given that the bacteria can result in DEATH, which was this woman not charged with attempted murder?

Oh wait, being a woman means you'll get the lowest charge thrown at you for any crime.  Being a man would have meant they'd throw the book at you.

Carry on!

No response from DonateDontWaste website after 3 months

Well, being the sporadically proactive person I am, I decided to put forward some of my suggestions on how to increase the number of sperm donors to a website called in the FAQ section:

At the time of writing the questions, which aren't visible until the site owner allows them, have been waiting almost three months to responded to.  There could be two reasons for this, the first one being that the site is no longer being looked after, which isn't impossible since the last FAQ answered was back in 2011.

The more likely second reason is that the owners of the website can bring themselves to acknowledge that all of the laws and systems in place for sperm donation are to the detriment of male donors (and by extension, his family) and offers no protections for men in any way.

I have yet to see ANYONE standing up and advocating for the system to provide something that tells men that they'll be protected if a bad situation arises.  Until that happens, I think we'll continue to see shortages of donors.  Why would a man go skydiving if there's no guarantee he's got a parachute in the pack on his back?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Another attack on masculinity, this time on beards

So, as is standard for the Mainstream Media (or Man-hating Media) they've taken a bunch of samples from a small group of people and have concluded that all beards contain poo.

Wouldn't it be great if they could do the same thing about under-arm hair for women and declare all women should shave their armpits.  That would be sexist though, wouldn't it.