Sunday, September 14, 2014

The dawn of a new era... maybe...

I saw this in the news the other day:

Male birth control could be available to humans by 2017

Of course, it's been 'on the horizon' and 'only a few years away' for a very long time now.  Here's to hoping that it comes sooner rather than later.

The million dollar question is: will teenage boys be allowed to get it done?  Since teenage girls have access to the pill, it only makes sense to provide teenage boys with an alternative contraception too.

I foresee that, assuming it does come out, we'll see a massive drop in 'unplanned pregnancies', a 'must have' for all teenage boys and a sharp decline in the number of staff needed for Family courts.

Longer term, I believe we'll see a significant drop in the fertility rate, since almost half of pregnancies are unplanned.  I actually believe that the government may block the introduction to the procedure in Australia citing dubious reasons, with the real reason being that we're already in a population decline that is threatening our long-term future.

I had previously discussed with my wife about getting a vasectomy after we were done having children, but given the potential side effects, I'd much rather the Vasalgel option!

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