Friday, October 30, 2015

Daughter dies in accident, father 'killed' her, article declares

I came across this article about a poor family who lost their daughter, but the media, as usual, is only too happy to spin it that the father killed his daughter on purpose.

The language is very telling: "a father who killed his nine-year old daughter".

What's interesting to note is that the article only mentions the mother is passing, that she "slammed" the sentence.  Did she think the sentence was too harsh, too light?  Which was it?

I would guess that, since they both shared the same surname, that the couple are still married and that she doesn't believe her husband, who obviously engaged in risky behaviour, should go to jail for as long as he has been sentenced.

Remember, there are two reasons to send a person to jail: to punish and to rehabilitate.  On one hand, the father in this case possibly should be punished, but using the same line of logic that people argue about women who've lost their children due to their own mistakes, "isn't losing his daughter punishment enough"?

As for rehabilitation, firstly I doubt he'll want to even look at another buggy, let alone do anything similar, so I doubt that the probably of re-offending is very high.

So the taxpayers have to pay for this guy to sit in a cell to think about what he's done and his family has to find a way to cope without him for longer than a lot of violent and sexual offenders get sentenced to for purposely committing crimes.

Oh well, I guess that's just par for the course.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Man glassed in slut-shaming social experiment, let's focus on poor women

So, a guy who was glassed during a slut-shaming social experiment doesn't even rate a headline, yet another example of a woman pretending to be drunk to gauge men's reactions does.  I wonder if this one is fake like the Australian one was, where the men were told how to act before being shamed for doing what they were asked to do!

This is how schools give bad marks for right maths answers

I've always maintained that modern schooling has been trying to do to maths and sciences as they've done with English and other nebulous subjects where the 'right' answer is completely up to the teacher.  This one teacher has done just that in this case on the internet.

I always hated the whole "give marks for showing working out" because it penalises the people who have learnt their numbers well enough to know the answer as soon as looking at the question.  I was always losing out top score in maths to girls in my class because I didn't show the steps correctly.  One time, when I had had enough, I showed every possible step, only to lose marks for taking too many steps to 'find' the answer!

The teacher in question knew damn well that I could solve most problems at that age in a line or two (or straight away, but that was just asking to be marked down).

My marks shot up the year I had a male maths teacher whose rule was: "if you've got the right answer at the bottom of page, full marks.  No questions."  If you haven't, then he counts points for showing workings out.

I'm sure every male reading this has found himself in this same position where a simple maths question these days has a never fully achievable 100% because some teacher (female or male) decides the student answering the question needs to be brought down a peg.

In my Year 11 class I was doing so well in one of my maths classes (would get 100% on the weekly tests most weeks) that the male (!) teacher offered my friend and I to skip the class so we could focus on other studies.  Not bad for a guy who would average about 80% in primary school and early high school.

Note: my learning style and relative knowledge didn't change, only the attitude of the teacher.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Two female cops and the 4th paragraph

So, here's a story of some taser happy female police officers who were only too happy to pull a taser on a young couple they'd pulled over for nothing more than the guy had tattoos.

Interestingly, the cops, who made the guy delete the footage, were both female and it took until the 9TH PARAGRAPH to identify the policeWOMEN by gender if you exclude the footage provided.

Amazing how the threats by the policewomen that if the young couple doesn't stop filming they'll confiscate the phones, presumably on some trumped up charge.

You know what they say about power corrupting...

Climate change skepticism is now misogyny

So, here we have an article claiming that climate change affects women more than men.

Of course it's written by the (far left-wing) conversation, so what else should I expect.

I guess if the life expectancy gap between men and women starts to close then we can attribute climate change as the cause.

Also, anyone now denying climate change will be also called a misogynist and racist (since it'll also affect poorer countries more than rich ones too).

So many racist, misogynist deniers out there...

Human chimerism - a false flag

In an interesting article about human chimerism in relation to a baby born whose DNA only matched 10% of his 'father's' they make a number of interesting claims about it:

  • One minute the article states that "the geneticists are blown away by this", followed later by "chimera reports are rare", then blow those both away with "human chimerism is very common".  It's either common or it's rare, it can't be both.
  • "Genetically the dad is his son's uncle" - wouldn't he have been his son's grandfather?  10% match is a number more closely associated with more distant relatives.  Did they bother to test any of the other males in the family?
  • "Human chimerism isn't new though - it's been seen in shows like CSI and in real life cases".  Claiming it was the story on a TV show doesn't make it any more likely than seeing Jedi powers on Star Wars makes The Force any more real.
I'm all for the truth in genetic mutation and believe that it must exist, however I think this lack of real study is probably just going to fuel more and more cases of children's DNA not matching their father being blamed on "another case of chimerism" instead of what it is statistically more likely: pregnancy from infidelity.

Also, I was under the impression that chimerism was more likely to occur in women as their DNA is thought to be altered slightly with each baby they carry to term.  Of course, I don't see anyone reporting that information as widely as this potential get-out-of-infidelity chimerism stuff.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Supporting the SJW violence against women line will not offer protection from it

Here's a guy who is claiming he's being falsely accused of domestic violence against women.

Notice how being a White Ribbon Ambassador hasn't helped him avoid any of this.  Even if his name is "cleared", the accusations will hang around like a bad smell.

I wonder if anyone will publicly come to his defense or if he's completely tainted.  Also, if his accuser is found to have been making it up, if she'll face any penalties.


Primary School Principal assaulted

So, here we have another 4th paragraph phenomenon, this time taking until the 6th paragraph to identify the person doing the assaulting as being female.

I'm not sure whether it's that women today are more violent in general or if, much like today, they suppress details when a woman is the cause.  Either way, sucks to be men.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Left-wing media pushing anti-Australian agenda...still

So here we have a very emotive article posing as truth about the anti-Islam protests.

Notice how he glosses over how antagonistic the counter protesters were (many wore face masks to conceal their identities, something in itself that should be met with a degree of suspicion) in burning an Australian flag.  Oh no, it's the anti-Islam protesters who should be focused on for their reaction!

If a man burns a copy of the Koran and sees his house burnt down for it, does the media focus on the Muslims who lash out or on the man who shouldn't have disrespected the faith and beliefs of another culture?

Oh wait, that's right, the media has an agenda to follow, and follow they will.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Woman hit and run, media hides gender again

So here we have a tragic case of a woman who was knocked over in a hit and run and has ended up in hospital.

Of course, the media is doing its usual best to make sure we the public have lost interest in the story before we realize that it was actually a woman who was driving the car.

Notice how we never find out the name of the alleged driver, it's just "a 26 year old woman"...

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Universities spreading Left-Wing agenda using Australian taxpayer dollars

Well, the (Left-Wing) Conversation has an article explaining why Universities branch out into other countries.

The truth is really more a case of the Universities are just trying to spread their Left-wing agenda into other countries using the money taken from Western students and governments to do so, but lets pretend it's all in the name of education.

Nothing to see here.