Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Media just won't learn its own lesson!

So here we have the case of a male athlete who didn't realise there were cameras filming him while he was changing.

The news site chooses to not only show it, but to mock him with it.

If the person being filmed naked was a female celebrity and the footage got out, you can bet that the media would be attacking perverts for watching an unsuspecting woman changing clothes.

But don't worry, it's a man whose is being filmed naked, so don't worry about privacy and just laugh!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It looks like the times are changing

Well, it looks like the times are changing.

Of course, the outrage could just be for show, much like how the media jumps on cases of divorce where the husband doesn't lose everything in a vague attempt to pretend that marriage isn't financially risky for men, perhaps the article is all about "look, we ARE punishing some female perpetrators...".

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Media focuses on how divorce negatively affects women, ignores men

Here we've got another media article going on about how bad divorce is for women, yet ignoring how life threatening it is for men.

Interesting to note is how the majority of divorces are initiated by women, so one could almost suggest the few negative effects on women are self-inflicted.  Where's the media on drawing a link to that?

Left-wing ABC Present Leigh Sales does it again

So, here we have another case of Leigh Sales going after a Liberal member like a pit bull when he didn't know something that he probably should.  We've seen time and again she doesn't take this hard-line attitude with any Labor politicians.

I guess she didn't learn anything after being called before the Audience and Consumer affairs panel for a particularly nasty interview with Tony Abbott.

Let's face it, it's no longer 'your' ABC, it's Labor's ABC.

Perhaps ABC really stands for Amazingly Biased Channel, because despite being publicly funded, it seems to be about as Left-wing as possible.  Any wonder its the Liberal government that keeps cutting their Left-wing extremist budgets?!

Who in their right mind would give MORE money to a group that has it in for you?!  Leigh Sales is apparently paid over $280,000 a year to be a pitbull for the Labor party out of our public money.  I think we can spend that money better on a more balanced news presenter.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Let the polygamist propaganda begin...

So the pro-polygamist propaganda has started.

What a wonderful way to get over the fact that men aren't getting married due to the unfair system.  Let's normalize polygamy and pretend that nothing's wrong.

I mean, polygamy appears to be in Islamic and Mormon communities and we all know that those countries/communities are some of the best in the world... I'm not sure at what, but they must be great, right?

FYI - I met a guy from Oman where polygamy is legal and he was telling me that the current generation generally doesn't practice polygamy.

Meshel Laurie takes offense at 'racist' Reclaim Australia protestor

So, little known comedian Meshel Laurie has taken offense to a person who believes in standing up for his beliefs.

Interesting to note that the man being accused of being a 'racist' actually responds:

So, here we have a rabid lefty who tries to get herself some attention calling out 'racism' but sensationalizes the events.

For the record, Islam is NOT a race, therefore anyone who doesn't agree with what Islamists are doing are not racists any more than people who disagree with what Catholics do are not racists.  Admittedly you could be anti-Catholic all day, everyday and you'd barely get a response.  You make one comment against Islam and you're branded a racist.

Double standards anyone?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Apparently gender is an important factor in determining funding

Here's an interesting article by Left-Wing site The (Leftist) Conversation about how science funding should be democratically determined.

A key line in the article caught my eye:  "To make sure the biggest guns didn't take all the funds, the winners could be stratified according to important criteria such as experience, gender and field of study".

My first problem with this is that the author of this article obviously knows that a lot of scientists don't necessarily believe in Climate Change, so are clearly not going to vote to send money towards studying something they don't believe in.  To overcome this, Climate Change will obviously be a 'field of study' area that'll automatically receive money regardless of actual votes given.

My second problem with this is that the author obviously thinks that women are incapable of putting forward any sort of compelling case to study some thing, so any woman applying for funding should automatically be given funding because we can't have any inequality in genders when it comes to science research.

My final problem with this is that what is being proposed is a system that removes any outside influence and allows an already overly credentialed and clique system to become more self absorbed.

Woman drives children into dam, media paints her as a saint with no suggestion of ill will

Here's an interesting article about a woman who drove her children into a dam.

Interesting to note the difference in tone to the article about the guy who drove his children into a dam.

Interesting to note that the who article about the woman focused on how distraught she was, was a loving mother she is and how her inactivity at the scene of the accident was most likely due to shock.  Contrast that with the guy who drove his children into the dam whose inactivity at the scene of the accident was attributed to his intent and guilt instead of shock.

I guess if you're a female then you're afforded a level of defense in the media that men are not.